European Ceramic Context 2024 is on view in Bornholm until November 7

European Ceramic Context 2024 is on view in Bornholm until November 7

How can ceramic makers, designers and artists adapt to more sustainable practices?

The earth’s challenges are our challenges. European Ceramic Context 2024 is devoted to sustainable practices in contemporary ceramics. Humanity’s pervasive intervention in the planet’s ecosystem is now all too evident in the global environment. There is an urgent need for change in our way of looking at the world, where an overuse of the planet’s resources has led to irreparable biodiversity loss, imbalance, and a severe climate crisis.

Everyone is accountable for the problems. Within our field, we must be part of the solution and create a future of sustainable ceramic practices and circular thinking. In this framework, the ECC2024 OPEN CALL invites makers, artists, crafts practitioners, ceramicists, etc., to apply with artworks, craft masterpieces, works, installations, functional ware, etc., where sustainable practices are essential. Works can be unique or part of a serial production. Works can be made using any technique and form of artistic expression. Materials used, must be predominantly ceramics. Works must be contemporary and completed in 2020 or later; works produced before this time will not be accepted.

In two large exhibitions on view through November 7, 2024, we aim to show new and significant works, projects and installations that provide an overview of the experimental, innovative, sustainable trends in contemporary European ceramics.

Two prizes of EUR 10,000 and EUR 5,000 were awarded to Hanna Miadzvedzeva (PL) and Neil Brownsword (UK), respectively. A jury of three international members with expertise in the field of ceramics has selected the prize-winners: Anders Herwald Ruhwald, Ceramic Artist and Educator (DK); Linda Swanson, Ceramic Artist and Educator (CAN); Tine Nygaard, Chief Curator Bornholm Art Museum (DK).

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Participating artists

Exhibiting at Bornholm Center for Crafts, Grønbechs Gård:
Croatia: Sandra Ban, Cyprus: Elysia Athanatos, Czech Republic: Vendulka Prchalová, Denmark: Vinni Frederiksen, Estonia: Anne Türn, Pille Kaleviste Greece: Myrto Zirini, HUNGARY: Maria Geszler Garzuly, ICELAND: Alice Sowa, Ireland: Cathy Burke, ITALY: Davide Ronco, Paola Orlandi, LATVIA: Linda Luse, LITHUANIA: Giedra Petkevičiūtė, Netherlands: Hannah Rose Whittle, Norway: Joe Welch, Poland: Maria Bak, Portugal: Sofia Beça, Romania: Anca Dragu, Viorica Bocioc, Slovakia: Kristina Ligačová, Linda Viková & Simona Janišová, Slovenia: Nika Šantej, Spain: Eduardo Palomares, Sweden: Jingbei Zheng, Switzerland: Valena Ammon, United Kingdom: Alice Foxen, Mella Shaw, Neil Brownsword,

Exhibiting at Hjorths Fabrik:
Austria: Sandra Franzi Holzer, Christa Zeitlhofer, Belgium: Wenselaers Els, Bulgaria: Jenya Adamova, Czech Republic: Michaela Spružinová, Denmark: Lisbet Thorborg Andersen, Christina Schou Christensen, Lea Mi Engholm, Metha Stuart Wallace & Jamie Wallace, Inkyong Lee, Finland: Anna-KaisaHaanaho, Jari Vesterinen France: Katia Terpigoreva, Benoît Pouplard, Simon Manoha Germany: Dennis Demand, Christiane von der Laake & DorotheeWenz, Arina Antonova, Greece: Chryssa Kotoula, Hungary: Viktória Maróti, Ireland: Mandy Parslow, Italy: Carla Antonella Fiumara, Norway: Linda Jansson Lothe, Poland: Alicja Patanowska, Alek Glich, Hanna Miadzvedzeva, Portugal: Lia Raquel Marques, Slovakia: Linda Viková & Simona Janišová, Slovenia: Radovan Gregorčič, Veronika Lah, Spain: Anca Ion, Sweden: Pernilla Norrman, The Tontouristen Kollektiv, Switzerland: Nicole Lehner, United Kingdom: Jessica Steel, Michelle Shields‍

Members of the Selection Comittee:
Dr. Lisa Hockemeyer, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Kingston University, London, England‍, Nadja Zgonik, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Univerzity of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sarah Rothwell, Senior Curator, National Museums Scotland, UK, Marthe Yung Mee Hansen, Museologist and Project Manager at Norwegian Crafts, Norway, Susanne Jøker Johnsen, Head of Exhibitions, The Royal Danish Academy, Architecture, Design, Conservation, Denmark

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Bornholms Center for Kunsthåndværk
Grønbechs Gård 4
3790 Hasle

Hjorths Fabrik
Krystalgade 5
3700 Rønne

Photo credit Rasmus Kvist Media


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