Meet La Meridiana International School of Ceramics, a creative hub in the heart of Tuscany where artists from around the world gather to explore the endless possibilities of clay. Founded over 40 years ago, this renowned institution continues to inspire and shape the future of ceramics.
The Beginning
La Meridiana is the achievement of a project initiated by Pietro Maddalena, supported by Giuliana Rodolfi, and realized with the fundamental help of a large number of enthusiastic people. Pietro, an engineer by training, went to England in 1970 with the intention of staying for a few years. In 1973, he was struck by seeing a potter on his wheel. Due to the irresistible attraction of the spinning wheel, he decided to take a sabbatical year in clay, only to end up doing a three-year Diploma in Art and Design, specializing in pottery at West Surrey College of Art in Farnham.
When he was ready to return to Italy, he was asked to help at Dartington Pottery Training Workshop, a project set up at the instigation of David Leach for a couple of months but ended up remaining until the end of 1979.
Finally, in 1980, Pietro returned to Italy with a mission: To introduce stoneware to the Italian ceramic world, which was dominated by terracotta and majolica low-fire ceramics. He had no illusions about the difficulty of his task but, undeterred, set out to find suitable premises in which to realize his purposes. Thus began the story that led to the creation of La Meridiana.

The School
Pietro’s courses have been running for over 40 years, and for the first ten years, they were held in the tiny hamlet of Riparbello, where the search for rent of suitable premises had ended. It was there that David Leach in 1983 and then John Colbeck in 1984 offered courses on stoneware to groups of around 20 young Italian potters. The courses were almost entirely confined to the summer months because this gave Pietro time to produce and develop his own work.
Despite the huge amount of work that had gone into renovation, the possibilities of development at Riparbello were limited. Therefore, once again, the search for suitable premises was undertaken. After much investigation, Pietro heard of the property that has become La Meridiana.
The 18th-century farmhouse in the heart of Tuscany certainly had the potential! Again, it needed total renovation: rewiring, replumbing, replastering the interior walls, remaking the floor throughout, and why not install new doors and windows? Pietro, buoyed by his courage, set out to realize his vision, using his extensive practical skills. In a Working Marathon that lasted over the past thirty years, and with the help of skilled craftsmen, he transformed the property into the inspirational setting you all know. The location, with a steep, stony cliff, was transformed into a magical garden with trees, flowers, sculptures, and a little lake. A former vine storage area was transformed into a studio space, while Pietro’s private studio was set in the former stable. Today, three distinct studios, one of which is in the garden area where La Meridianas’ wood kilns stand, are available for courses.

The pattern of summer courses continued to grow, with an almost exclusively European clientele. At that time, La Meridiana did not have a separate dining area for students and Giuliana prepared and served lunches from her kitchen in what was her apartment’s sitting room. Memorable and as famous as her lunchtime meals were, it was an arrangement that clearly could not continue, and one of the initial new constructions was for the kitchen, which also provided an outdoor area for coffee and tea breaks.
In 1999, Pietro took the bold step of booking a space at NCECA, the annual potters’ conference in the USA, to promote La Meridiana. As an Italian who had crossed the Atlantic, he was warmly welcomed and made important contacts. This ushered in a new era, with worldwide bookings and the workshop programme expanding into the spring and autumn. Collaboration with universities and institutions such as Potter’s Council (now ICAN) also started during that period.
A very special person, artist, educator and writer has been most influential in the development of La Meridiana: John Colbeck. A gentle, informed, and passionate professional, he has taught throughout his life. He was, for many years, Head of Ceramics at Bath Academy of Art and the author of essential books on ceramics. Through his expertise, he has been fundamental in the development of our program and has been regularly teaching at La Meridiana for the past 40 years.
One fundamental priority of La Meridiana during all these years, which is in part responsible for its international recognition, has been the search for the most outstanding artists to invite to teach. Wally Keeler, Takeshi Yasuda, Sandy Lockwood, Beth Cavener, Simon Levin, and Luca Tripaldi, just to name a few.
The staff
Parallel to the evolution of La Meridiana, the team has grown. The first full-time employee was Roman Sonyk in 2004. Roman became an integral part of La Meridiana (with students wanting to take him back home), always busy, always ready to help, and always with a smile.
La Meridiana lunches are famous for being both wholesome and delicious. Lucia Zucconi, an accomplished chef who now also makes pots, was head cook from 2004 until 2020. She is the author of the Meridiana cookbook “Clay, Gnocchi and More”.
A little later, in 2006, a chance meeting with Claudia Bruhin led to an association that saw La Meridiana develop to its present maturity. As Director, Claudia has overseen the expansion of courses, which now occur throughout the year.
Eve Carrebourgh has been associated with La Meridiana since 2016. She has created a formidable library of glaze tests, an invaluable teaching resource for the courses.
Franco Rampi occupies a somewhat unique position in the history of La Meridiana. A man of many talents is the much-appreciated instructor of a range of throwing courses, from short duration to two-month intensive immersion.

Now in its developed state, La Meridiana has a significant number of staff:
Foreground: Claudia, Consultant / Pietro, Founder
Second line: Roman, Technician / Alessia, Head office / Lorenzo, Cook / Valentin, Assistant / Eve, Research
Top: Susy, Cook / Francesca, Management
Community Builders – The new housing and community project
La Meridiana could be said to have “come of age”, but as one goal is achieved, a new idea immediately emerges! Our next step is To convert the barn in front of the main building into good-energy housing with ample community space.
The plan for the seven-unit housing is ready to be implemented! The work will be carried out by applying advanced ecological building standards.
This is the timeline: Work will start in September of 2024 and be completed in 2026.

We strongly believe that a comfortable space where you can enjoy the company and endlessly discuss the hues of glazes, the qualities of clay bodies, firing types, the aesthetics of pots, and profound questions of life is a fundamental part of our mission. That is why the barn project is called “Community Builders,” and as everything achieved so far, it is with the help of you, our students, that we can grow.